
Mendix Training

We LowCode is the Mendix Low code development and Training company. As a part of the training of low-code developer programs, courses and workshops. We will provide all the skills required in low-code development.

Mendix is a popular low-code application development platform for agility, control, and collaboration. It enables end-to-end app creation, from app ideation to deployment and monitoring. It is a flexible, user-friendly, low-code development tool for building enterprise-level applications and multi-device capabilities with rapid development.

Mendix Training doesn’t require a technical background to become a Mendix Developer. We provide the skills necessary to understand the basic application development life cycle.

This Mendix training course includes instructions and numerous practical-based demos, which will help you simulate real-world app development scenarios critical for workplace success. The Mendix training is interactive. With a combination of hands-on projects and assessments. Trainees will be introduced to Mendix and provide the necessary skill set to aquire a jon in Mendix development as a developer, QA, or Business Analyst.

Mendix Training and program course outline:

  • Introduction to Mendix
  • Domain Model
  • Project roles & responsibilities
  • Constraining data with XPath
  • Page design with AtlasUI and Project Directory
  • Structuring your project with Sub microflows
  • List and Grid operations
  • Data model and  optimization
  • Error handling
  • Memory management and batches
  • Logging
  • Notifications
  • Convert Web app to Mobile and offline capabilities
  • Mock Test and Evaluation

Device Testing


Clean & Modern


Great Experience

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Please contact for further information about Mendix Training or Training schedules